Invoice and Document Capturing Logo
Invoice and Document Capturing API Reference API Reference

General Information
The BLU DELTA API is a machine and deep learning-based invoice and document capturing solution (cloud or onpremise). An image or pdf file is converted into structured json data containing document specific details. It works for certain doc-types out-of-the-box with recognition rates up to 98% (without any training). However, it can be improved via training as well.
The API returns document and invoice details (e.g. like an invoice or document date, invoice id, gross/net amounts, VATs, and many more fields) as well as plain full text and a generated pdf highlighting details. By default BLU DELTA API does NOT store any received data!

API Endpoint
The API Endpoint gets called via + Version. E.g.

API Access Token
Request a free api key for the BLU DELTA document capturing cloud here.

OpenAPI specification
Provided with every release under or you find direct link at BLU DELTA Invoice and Document Capturing Dev Center.

Further developer info
BLU DELTA Invoice and Document Capturing Dev Center

Further product info and offerings
BLU DELTA Invoice and Document Capturing website.

No Developer? Test API directly on our website: BLU DELTA invoice capturing trial page

Supported Invoice and Document Details

Title Description Response Type Id Notice
Document Type Classify document to Invoice/CreditMemo/Other DetectionResponse 8192 Value: Invoice, CreditMemo or Other
Invoice Currency Main currency of invoice DetectionResponse 524288 ISO Code 4217
Invoice Id Document identifier DetectionResponse 1024
Invoice Date Date of issue DetectionResponse 64 YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
Grand Total Amount Grand total amount DetectionResponse 16 decimal separator '.', no group separator, two decimal digits
Vat Group Vat rate
Net amount
Vat amount
DetectionGroupResponse 536870912 for each vat detail: one DetectionResponse
Net Total Amount Total net amount DetectionResponse 256 deprecated
Use Vat Groups instead to calculate total net amount
Vat Total Amount Total vat amount DetectionResponse 1073741824 deprecated
Use Vat Groups instead to calculate total vat amount
Iban Iban DetectionResponse 16384 for each Iban: one DetectInvoiceResponse
Bic Bic DetectionResponse 32768 for each Bic: one DetectInvoiceResponse
Bank Group Bank Code
Bank Account
DetectionGroupResponse 17179869184 for each bank detail: one DetectionResponse
Due Date Group Due Date Date
Due Date Duration
DetectionGroupResponse 17592186044416 for each due date detail: one DetectionResponse
Discount Group Discount Date
Discount Duration
Discount Percent
DetectionGroupResponse 1099511627776 for each discount detail: one DetectionResponse
UId Vat Id classified for Sender or Receiver or other DetectionResponse 8388608 Sender/Receiver classification is returned in Name property (SenderVatId, ReceiverVatId, VatId)
Customer Id Customer Identifier DetectionResponse 2097152
Tax Number German Tax Number DetectionResponse 4194304 deprecated
Use TaxId (SenderTaxId) instead
TaxId Tax Id classified for Sender or Receiver or other DetectionResponse 2305843009213693952 TaxId field for international company ids when vat id is not available. Sender/Receiver classification is returned in Name property (SenderTaxId, ReceiverTaxId, TaxId)
TaxId Tax Id classified for Sender or Receiver or other DetectionResponse 2305843009213693952 TaxId field for international company ids when vat id is not available. Sender/Receiver classification is returned in Name property (SenderTaxId, ReceiverTaxId, TaxId)
Delivery Note Id Delivery Note Identifier in header DetectionResponse 1048576 single identifier in header
Delivery Date Delivery Date DetectionResponse 8 single date - no timespan
Receiver Order Id Order Identifier of Receiver in header DetectionResponse 33554432 single identifier in header
Receiver Order Date Order Date of Receiver DetectionResponse 134217728
Sender Order Id Order Identifier of Sender DetectionResponse 16777216
Sender Order Date Order Date of Sender DetectionResponse 67108864
ISR Reference Swiss inpayment slip reference DetectionResponse 34359738368
ISR Subscriber ISR customer number DetectionResponse 35184372088832
KID Number KID number is used in Norway for payment identification DetectionResponse 70368744177664
Company Registration Number Local company registration number for Sender or Receiver. Currently only supported for Czechia. DetectionResponse 140737488355328
Sender Name Name of Sender DetectionResponse 2 deprecated
Use name of Sender contact instead
Sender Contact Contact information of Sender ContactResponse 2 Name, Address, Email, ...
Receiver Contact Contact information of Sender ContactResponse 128 Name, Address, Email, ...
Contacts A list of all contacts that where found on the invoice - including the sender and receiver contacts. List of ContactResponse 281474976710656 Each contact consists of: Name, Address, Email, ...
Line Items Line item table LineItemTableResponse 65536 Each line item (LineItemResponse) contains: PositionNumber, PositionId, ItemId, Description, OrderId, DeliveryId, DeliveryDate, Quantity, Unit, UnitPrice, VatRate, Discount, TotalAmount
Delivery Period Group Delivery Period Date Start
Delivery Period Date End
DetectionGroupResponse 4503599627370496 for each delivery period detail: one DetectionResponse
Cost Center Cost Center Identifier DetectionResponse 9007199254740992
Vat Exemption Vat Exemption DetectionResponse 18014398509481984
Qr Code Group Qr Code Raw String
Qr Code Detail
DetectionGroupResponse 144115188075855872 Always has the Raw String. Has Details if the Qr Code can be parsed. Has to be enabled per customer. Supported Codes: SwissQr, CodigoQr.
Qr Code Raw String Qr Code Raw String DetectionResponse 36028797018963968
Qr Code Detail Qr Code Detail DetectionResponse 72057594037927936 Depending on type of found Qr Code these are the parsed details found.
Whitelist Group Whitelist Value
Whitelist Hint
DetectionGroupResponse 1152921504606846976 Always has the value and at least one hint, that lead to the specific value. Has to be enabled via Whitelist-Plugin or Client/Supplier-Processing.
Whitelist Value Whitelist Value DetectionResponse 288230376151711744 First column of given csv (Id Field).
Whitelist Hint Whitelist Hint DetectionResponse 576460752303423488 All the hints found to indicate the value of the group.
Bar Code Group Bar Code Group DetectionGroupResponse -9223372036854775808 A bar code group has either type name "Boleto" or "BarCode". It contains a 'Bar' detail which contains the raw barcode value.
Bar Code Detail Bar Code Detail DetectionGroupResponse 4611686018427387904 Bar code detail with type name 'Bar' contains the raw barcode value.

API Endpoint
Request Content-Types: application/json
Request Custom Header
     X-ApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY

The API Key is used to authenticate and authorize the use of the BLU DELTA API. If you have not received an API key yet: You can request a free trial from

e.g. "fmHjlBM+nzRN4VQxgnZx9HdixhYXXXXeqHsx6a3Dso03QNKyXXXXyML0KODbNY9T9mfeFU6jZLv+xeuXDLaHig=="
     X-ApiIdentifier: YOUR_API_IDENTIFIER (optional)

The API Identifier can be used to track the usage of sub-customers (e.g. platforms or partners have again customers and want to track the usage of their customers).
If you need this flexibility then please contact our support team:

e.g. "partner.customer"
     Attention: Depending on the configuration of your API key, you may have to send a predefined identifier here.
Response Content-Types: application/json
Schemes: http, https
Version: 1.18.x

API Json Response (exemplary)

                                "DocumentResolution": <integer>,
                                "DocumentFormat": <string>,
                                "Language": "<string>",
                                "InvoiceDetailTypePredictions": <DetectionResponse>[
    {..."TypeName": "DocumentType"...},
    {..."TypeName": "InvoiceId"...},
    {..."TypeName": "SenderOrderId"...},
    {..."TypeName": "CustomerId"...},
    {..."TypeName": "InvoiceDate"...},
    {..."TypeName": "SenderOrderDate"...},
    {..."TypeName": "ReceiverOrderDate"...},
    {..."TypeName": "DeliveryDate"...},
    {..."TypeName": "Iban"...},
    {..."TypeName": "Bic"...},
    {..."TypeName": "SenderVatId"...},
    {..."TypeName": "ReceiverVatId"...},
    {..."TypeName": "UId"...},
    {..."TypeName": "NetTotalAmount"...},
    {..."TypeName": "VatTotalAmount"...},
    {..."TypeName": "GrandTotalAmount"...},
    {..."TypeName": "InvoiceCurrency"...},
    {..."TypeName": "DeliveryNoteId"...},
    {..."TypeName": "ReceiverOrderId"...},
    {..."TypeName": "TaxNumber"...},
    {..."TypeName": "SenderTaxId"...},
    {..."TypeName": "ReceiverTaxId"...},
    {..."TypeName": "TaxId"...},
    {..."TypeName": "Sender"...},
    {..."TypeName": "IsrReference"...},
    {..."TypeName": "IsrSubscriber"...}],
    {..."TypeName": "KId"...}],
    {..."TypeName": "CompanyRegistrationNumber"...}],
    {..."TypeName": "CostCenter"...}],
    {..."TypeName": "VatExemption"...}],
                                "PredictionGroups": <DetectionGroupResponse>[
                                "TypeName": "VatGroup",
                                "InvoiceDetailTypePredictions": <DetectionResponse>[
    {..."TypeName": "VatRate"...},
    {..."TypeName": "NetAmount"...},
    {..."TypeName": "VatAmount"...}]
                                "TypeName": "BankGroup",
                                "InvoiceDetailTypePredictions": <DetectionResponse>[
    {..."TypeName": "BankCode"...},
    {..."TypeName": "BankAccount"...},
                                "TypeName": "DueDateGroup",
                                "InvoiceDetailTypePredictions": <DetectionResponse>[
    {..."TypeName": "DueDateDate"...},
    {..."TypeName": "DueDateDuration"...},
                                "TypeName": "DiscountGroup",
                                "InvoiceDetailTypePredictions": <DetectionResponse>[
    {..."TypeName": "DiscountDate"...},
    {..."TypeName": "DiscountDuration"...},
    {..."TypeName": "DiscountPercent"...}]
                                "TypeName": "DeliveryPeriodGroup",
                                "InvoiceDetailTypePredictions": <DetectionResponse>[
    {..."TypeName": "DeliveryPeriodDateStart"...},
    {..."TypeName": "DeliveryPeriodDateEnd"...}]
                                "TypeName": "QrCodeGroup",
                                "InvoiceDetailTypePredictions": <DetectionResponse>[
    {..."TypeName": "QrCodeRawString"...},
    {..."TypeName": "QrCodeDetail"...},
                                "TypeName": "BoletoBarCode",
                                "InvoiceDetailTypePredictions": <DetectionResponse>[
    {..."TypeName": "Bar"...},
                                "TypeName": "BarCode",
                                "InvoiceDetailTypePredictions": <DetectionResponse>[
    {..."TypeName": "Bar"...},
                                "Type": "[WhiteListGroupId]",
                                "TypeName": "[GivenDetailType]Group",
                                "InvoiceDetailTypePredictions": <DetectionResponse>[
                                "Type": "[WhiteListValueId]"
                                "TypeName": "[GivenDetailType]"
                                "Type": "[WhiteListHintId]"
                                "TypeName": "[GivenDetailType]Hint"
                                "LineItemTable": <LineItemTableResponse>,
                                "Sender": <ContactResponse>,
                                "Receiver": <ContactResponse>,
                                "Contacts": <List of ContactResponse>,
                                "IsQualityOk": <boolean>,
                                "ResultPdf": <string>,
                                "OcrResult": <string>,
                                "DocumentText": <string>,
                                "Confidence": <double>,
                                "InvoiceState": <integer>


Extracts invoice features of a provided invoice.

POST /invoicedetail/detect

Extracts invoice features of a provided invoice.

in formData
integer (int64)

Filter for Invoice details that shall be predicted
flag 'None' will return all available Invoice details for your subscription,
else define the filter by providing a bitmask for the Invoice details that shall be predicted.
e.g. Filter = GrandTotalAmount | Ibans.


  • None: 0
  • Sender: 2
  • DeliveryDate: 8
  • GrandTotalAmount: 16
  • InvoiceDate: 64
  • Receiver: 128
  • InvoiceId: 1024
  • DocumentType: 8192
  • Ibans: 16384
  • Bics: 32768
  • LineItems: 65536
  • InvoiceCurrency: 524288
  • DeliveryNoteId: 1048576
  • CustomerId: 2097152
  • TaxNumber: 4194304
  • VatIds: 8388608
  • SenderOrderId: 16777216
  • ReceiverOrderId: 33554432
  • SenderOrderDate: 67108864
  • ReceiverOrderDate: 134217728
  • VatGroup: 536870912
  • BankGroup: 17179869184
  • DueDateGroup: 17592186044416
  • DiscountGroup: 1099511627776
  • IsrReference: 34359738368
  • IsrSubscriber: 35184372088832
  • KId: 70368744177664
  • CompanyRegistrationNumber: 140737488355328
  • Contacts: 281474976710656
  • DeliveryPeriod: 4503599627370496
  • CostCenter: 9007199254740992
  • VatExemption: 18014398509481984
  • TaxIds: 2305843009213693952
  • QRCodeGroup: 144115188075855872
  • BarCodeGroup: -9223372036854775808

in formData

Invoice (encoded as base64 with padding string) - accepted formats: PDF, JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF

in formData
integer (int32)

Special Invoice format.
for future use only

  • None: 0
  • EbInterface: 1

in formData

Additional properties that will be used for invoice processing, provided as Key-Value pairs.

in formData

If this flag is set, the response will contain the sent invoice as pdf-document with marked predictions.

in formData

If this flag is set, the response will contain the OCR result as json string.

in formData

If this flag is set, the response will contain the plain text of the document as detected by the OCR.

in formData

This is an optional parameter to restrict the potential languages for the current document. The comma separated list will be passed to the internal OCR-Component. Specifying the correct document language (or a small potential set of languages) will reduce failures of the OCR and can improve the quality of the predictions.

in header
string application/json

Accept Header

Example Request with CURL
In the following example all invoice details are requested for a certain invoice. Therefore, a request.json file has been created. The "Filter" property is set to "None" which means that we want all possible invoice details. The "Invoice" property contains the invoice encoded in Base64.
                                "Filter": "None",
                                "Invoice": "YOUR_INVOICE_IN_BASE64",  
curl -vX POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'X-ApiKey:YOUR_API_KEY' \
  -d @request.json

Service call successfully finished

400 Bad Request

Invoice format error

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. Invalid ApiKey (or invalid ApiIdentifier)

403 Forbidden

Customer is not allowed to make any predictions

500 Internal Server Error

Oops, something broke

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)

                                "DocumentResolution": "integer (int32)",
                                "DocumentFormat": "string",
                                "Language": "string",
                                "InvoiceDetailTypePredictions": "List",
                                "PredictionGroups": "List",
                                "FormattedResult": "string",
                                "IsQualityOk": "boolean",
                                "ResultPdf": "string",
                                "OcrResult": "string",
                                "DocumentText": "string"
  • The maximum time to process a document is 230 seconds. If a request cannot be processed within that time, for example due to too many pages with lots of text, a timeout will happen (Http status 502 or 504).
  • Many HttpClients set a timeout of 100 seconds by default. After this period, the client will close the request and receive an error (Http status 499). So it is highly recommended to configure a client timeout of 230+ seconds.
  • If a client receives a timeout (Http 499 | 502 | 504), it makes sense to wait 15 minutes and then retry processing the document. CAUTION: You should not retry more often than 3 times!

Schema Definitions

Object: object


DetectInvoiceRequest: object

Extracts invoice features of a provided invoice.
Input: Base64 encoded.
Supported file formats: pdf, jpg, png, tif (also multi page), gif, bmp, ico
Recommended max image dimensions per page: 8400x8400 in all formats (including pdf).

Filter: integer (int64)

Filter for Invoice details that shall be predicted
flag 'None' will return all available Invoice details for your subscription,
else define the filter by providing a bitmask for the Invoice details that shall be predicted.
e.g. Filter = GrandTotalAmount | Ibans.


  • None: 0
  • Sender: 2
  • DeliveryDate: 8
  • GrandTotalAmount: 16
  • InvoiceDate: 64
  • Receiver: 128
  • InvoiceId: 1024
  • DocumentType: 8192
  • Ibans: 16384
  • Bics: 32768
  • LineItems: 65536
  • InvoiceCurrency: 524288
  • DeliveryNoteId: 1048576
  • CustomerId: 2097152
  • TaxNumber: 4194304
  • VatIds: 8388608
  • SenderOrderId: 16777216
  • ReceiverOrderId: 33554432
  • SenderOrderDate: 67108864
  • ReceiverOrderDate: 134217728
  • VatGroup: 536870912
  • BankGroup: 17179869184
  • DueDateGroup: 17592186044416
  • DiscountGroup: 1099511627776
  • IsrReference: 34359738368
  • IsrSubscriber: 35184372088832
  • KId: 70368744177664
  • CompanyRegistrationNumber: 140737488355328
  • Contacts: 281474976710656
  • DeliveryPeriod: 4503599627370496
  • CostCenter: 9007199254740992
  • VatExemption: 18014398509481984
  • TaxIds: 2305843009213693952
  • QRCodeGroup: 144115188075855872
  • BarCodeGroup: -9223372036854775808

Invoice: string

Invoice (encoded as base64 with padding string) - accepted formats: PDF, JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF

Format: integer (int32)

Special Invoice format.
for future use only

  • None: 0
  • EbInterface: 1

PropertyStore: Dictionary<String,String>

Additional properties that will be used for invoice processing, provided as Key-Value pairs.

CreateResultPdf: boolean

If this flag is set, the response will contain the sent invoice as pdf-document with marked predictions.

AddOcrResult: boolean

If this flag is set, the response will contain the OCR result as json string.

AddDocumentText: boolean

If this flag is set, the response will contain the plain text of the document as detected by the OCR.

Languages: string

This is an optional parameter to restrict the potential languages for the current document. The comma separated list will be passed to the internal OCR-Component. Specifying the correct document language (or a small potential set of languages) will reduce failures of the OCR and can improve the quality of the predictions.

Supported languages:

  • de...German
  • en...English
  • es...Spanish
  • pl...Polish
  • it...Italian
  • fr...French
  • cs...Czech
  • sk...Slovakian
  • nl...Dutch
  • nb...Norwegian
  • hr...Croatian
  • tr...Turkish
  • pt...Portuguese
  • sv...Swedish
  • da...Danish
  • sl...Slovenian

                                "Filter": "integer (int64)",
                                "Invoice": "string",
                                "Format": "integer (int32)",
                                "PropertyStore": "object",
                                "CreateResultPdf": "boolean",
                                "AddOcrResult": "boolean"
                                "AddDocumentText": "boolean"
                                "Languages": "string"

Dictionary<String,String>: object


Key: "ReceiverVatId" string Value: receiver vat id(s) string

The given receiver Vat id (single id or comma separated list) is used by the service to identify receiver Vat ids. Whenever an extracted Vat id is found in the list, it will be returned as receiver Vat id. The name of the result is set to ReceiverVatId.

Key: "SenderVatId" string Value: sender vat id(s) string

The given sender Vat id (single id or comma separated list) is used by the service to identify sender Vat ids. Whenever an extracted Vat id is found in the list, it will be returned as sender Vat id. The name of the result is set to SenderVatId.

Key: "DocumentReceiverCountry" string Value: Country of document receiver string (ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2)

The given receiver country is used for all kinds of country dependent information, like VatId or Currency.

Key: "DocumentReceivedDate" string Value: Date when document was received string (YYYY-MM-DD / ISO 8601)

The date when the document was received might be used for validation purposes in the future.

Key: "SessionLogId" string Value: session id string

The session id is used to add this id to every log entry belonging to this request for easy log file monitoring.


DetectInvoiceResponse: object


DocumentResolution: integer (int32)

Resolution of the original document in dpi.

DocumentFormat: string

The format of the document which is either "Letter" or "Receipt"

Language: string

The language of the document that was identified by BLU DELTA

InvoiceDetailTypePredictions: DetectionResponse

List of Predictions - One for each predicted invoice detail.

PredictionGroups: DetectionGroupResponse

List of PredictionGroups - One for each predicted invoice detail
e.g. VatGroup, containing predictions for Vat Rate, Net Amount and Vat Amount

Sender: ContactResponse

The sender (biller) of the invoice

Receiver: ContactResponse

The receiver of the invoice

Contacts: List of ContactResponse

For German documents, the list contains all contacts found on the document - including sender and receiver. For all other languages, the list contains only sender and receiver.

LineItemTable: LineItemTableResponse

Table of line items

FormattedResult: string

Special invoice format. (for future use only)

IsQualityOk: boolean

Invoice quality flag. (for future use only)

ResultPdf: string

Result pdf-document with marked predictions (encoded as base64 string).
Will contain an empty string if the pdf could not be created successfully.

OcrResult: OCR Result Schema Definitions

OCR Result (as json string).
Will contain an empty string if the OCR result could not be created successfully.

DocumentText: string

Plain text of the document as detected by the OCR.
Will contain an empty string if the OCR failed.
The escape sequence \r\n (CarriageReturn + LineFeed) is used to signify the end of a line.

Confidence: double

Describes the confidence that the invoice can be auto-processed without human validation.
(-1 = unknown, 0 = validate manually, 1 = autoprocess)

InvoiceState: integer (int32)

Specifies if the response contains all requested data.
The value is built from a bitmask for all tasks which could not successfully
deliver a result.


  • Ok: 0
  • Prediction failed: 1
  • Result pdf failed: 2
  • OCR Result failed: 4
Example: The value 3 means that both, the prediction and the result pdf generation, failed.


                                "DocumentResolution": "integer (int32)",
                                "DocumentFormat": "string",
                                "Language": "string",
                                "InvoiceDetailTypePredictions": "List",
                                "PredictionGroups": "List",
                                "Sender": "ContactResponse",
                                "Receiver": "ContactResponse",
                                "Contacts": "List of ContactResponse",
                                "LineItemTable": "LineItemTableResponse",
                                "FormattedResult": "string",
                                "IsQualityOk": "boolean",
                                "ResultPdf": "string",
                                "OcrResult": "string",
                                "DocumentText": "string",
                                "Confidence": "double",
                                "InvoiceState": "integer (int32)"

DetectionResponse: object


Type: integer (int64)

Predicted invoice detail
The definition of the actual type values can be found here.

TypeName: string

Name of predicted invoice detail
The definition of the actual name values can be found here.

Note: if specific sender or receiver vat-ids are detected, then vat-id name
values will be overwritten with more specific name values. These values are
listed here:

  • SenderVatId (if the VatId belongs to the sender) or
  • ReceiverVatId (if the VatId belongs to the receiver) or
  • VatId (for others)

The same is valid for sender or receiver tax-ids:

  • SenderTaxId (if the TaxId belongs to the sender) or
  • ReceiverTaxId (if the TaxId belongs to the receiver) or
  • TaxId (for others)

Value: string

Predicted value


  • GrandTotalAmount: decimal separator '.', no group separator, two decimal digits, e.g. 9.00, 2314.50, -12.99
  • NetAmount: decimal separator '.', no group separator, two decimal digits, e.g. 9.00, 2314.50, -12.99
  • VatAmount: decimal separator '.', no group separator, two decimal digits, e.g. 9.00, 2314.50, -12.99
  • VatRate: decimal separator '.', no group separator, one decimal digits, e.g. 20.0, 19.0, 10.0
  • InvoiceDate: YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
  • DeliveryDate: YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
  • SenderOrderDate: YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
  • ReceiverOrderDate: YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
  • InvoiceId: string
  • InvoiceCurrency: string
  • CustomerId: string
  • SenderOrderId: string
  • ReceiverOrderId: string
  • DocumentType: 'Invoice', 'CreditMemo' or 'Other'
  • Ibans: string without blanks, comma separated
  • Bics: string without blanks, comma separated
  • VatIds: string without blanks, comma separated
  • DeliveryNoteId: string
  • Sender: string
  • TaxNumber: string
  • BankCode: string
  • BankAccount: string
  • DueDateDate: YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
  • DueDateDuration: number (days)
  • DiscountDate: YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
  • DiscountDuration: number (days)
  • DiscountPercent: decimal separator '.', no group separator,
  • IsrReference: digits
  • IsrSubscriber: digits
  • KId: digits
  • CompanyRegistrationNumber: string
  • DeliveryPeriodDateStart: YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
  • DeliveryPeriodDateEnd: YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
  • CostCenter: string
  • VatExemption: 'Vat Exemption' or empty string
  • TaxIds: string without blanks, comma separated
  • LineItem.PositionId: string
  • LineItem.ItemId: string
  • LineItem.Description: string
  • LineItem.OrderId: string
  • LineItem.DeliveryId: string
  • LineItem.DeliveryDate: YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
  • LineItem.Quantity: decimal separator '.', no group separator, at least one decimal digits, e.g. 1.0, 1.55, 1.123
  • LineItem.Unit: string
  • LineItem.VatRate: decimal separator '.', no group separator, one decimal digits, e.g. 20.0, 19.0, 10.0
  • LineItem.UnitPrice: decimal separator '.', no group separator, four decimal digits, e.g. 1.0000, 0.0001, 0.0050
  • LineItem.VatRate: decimal separator '.', no group separator, one decimal digits, e.g. 20.0, 19.0, 10.0
  • LineItem.Discount: string
  • LineItem.TotalAmount: decimal separator '.', no group separator,two decimal digits, e.g. 9.00, 2314.50, 12.03
  • BarCodeGroup.CodeDetail: string, digits only

Score: double (double)

Scored probability. Value between zero and one. Rounded to 4 decimal places.

RecommendedThreshold: double (double)

"Recommendation to use this detail only if 'Score' is higher or equal to this threshold. Threshold calculation based on benchmark on a custom document set or default set. Value between zero and one. If minus one, then no recommendation."

X: integer (int32)

X-Position of prediction according to the document resolution

Y: integer (int32)

Y-Position of prediction according to the document resolution

Width: integer (int32)

Width of prediction according to the document resolution

Height: integer (int32)

Height of prediction according to the document resolution

Confidence: double (double)

Describes the confidence that this invoice detail can be auto-processed without human validation.
(-1 = unknown, 0 = validate manually, 1 = autoprocess)

                                "Type": "int (int64)",
                                "TypeName": "string",
                                "Value": "string",
                                "Score": "double (double)",
                                "X": "integer (int32)",
                                "Y": "integer (int32)",
                                "Width": "integer (int32)",
                                "Height": "integer (int32)",
                                "Confidence": "double (double)"

DetectionGroupResponse: object


Type: integer (int64)

Predicted invoice detail

TypeName: string

Predicted invoice detail

InvoiceDetailTypePredictions: DetectionResponse

List of Predictions - One for each predicted invoice detail.

                                "Type": "int (int64)",
                                "TypeName": "string",
                                "InvoiceDetailTypePredictions": "List"

ContactResponse: object


Name: DetailResponse

Name of the contact

Address: AddressResponse

Address of the contact

Score: double (double)

Scored probability. Value between zero and one. Rounded to 4 decimal places.

RecommendedThreshold: double (double)

"Recommendation to use this detail only if 'Score' is higher or equal to this threshold. Threshold calculation based on benchmark on a custom document set or default set. Value between zero and one. If minus one, then no recommendation."

WebsiteUrl: DetailResponse

List of websites of the contact

Email: DetailResponse

List of e-mail addresses of the contact

Phone: DetailResponse

Phone number of the contact

Fax: DetailResponse

Fax number of the contact

                                "Name": "DetailResponse",
                                "Address": "AddressResponse",
                                "Score": "double (double)",
                                "WebsiteUrl": "List",
                                "Email": "List",
                                "Phone": "DetailResponse",
                                "Fax": "DetailResponse"

AddressResponse: object


Street: DetailResponse

Street (incl. street number)

ZipCode: DetailResponse

Zip code / postal code

City: DetailResponse


Country: DetailResponse

Country (ISO 3166-1)

X: integer (int32)

X-Position according to the document resolution

Y: integer (int32)

Y-Position according to the document resolution

Width: integer (int32)

Width according to the document resolution

Height: integer (int32)

Height according to the document resolution

                                "Street": "DetailResponse",
                                "ZipCode": "DetailResponse",
                                "City": "DetailResponse",
                                "Country": "DetailResponse",
                                "X": "integer (int32)",
                                "Y": "integer (int32)",
                                "Width": "integer (int32)",
                                "Height": "integer (int32)"

LineItemTableResponse: object


LineItems: LineItemResponse

List of predicted line items

                                "LineItems": "List"

LineItemResponse: object


PositionNumber: integer (int32)

Sequential number for each predicted line item, starting at 1

PositionId: DetailResponse

Position identifier: string

ItemId: DetailResponse

Idendifier of article number: string

Description: DetailResponse

Description: string

OrderId: DetailResponse

Order identifier: string

DeliveryId: DetailResponse

Delivery identifier: string

DeliveryDate: DetailResponse

Delivery date: YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)

Quantity: DetailResponse

Quantity: decimal separator '.', no group separator, at least one decimal digits, e.g. 1.0, 1.55, 1.123

Unit: DetailResponse

Unit: string

UnitPrice: DetailResponse

Unit price: decimal separator '.', no group separator, four decimal digits, e.g. 1.0000, 0.0001, 0.0050

VatRate: DetailResponse

Vat rate: decimal separator '.', no group separator, one decimal digits, e.g. 20.0, 19.0, 10.0

Discount: DetailResponse

Discount: string

TotalAmount: DetailResponse

TotalAmount: decimal separator '.', no group separator,two decimal digits, e.g. 9.00, 2314.50, 12.03

Score: double (double)

Scored probability. Value between zero and one. Rounded to 4 decimal places.

RecommendedThreshold: double (double)

"Recommendation to use this detail only if 'Score' is higher or equal to this threshold. Threshold calculation based on benchmark on a custom document set or default set. Value between zero and one. If minus one, then no recommendation."

X: integer (int32)

X-Position of prediction according to the document resolution

Y: integer (int32)

Y-Position of prediction according to the document resolution

Width: integer (int32)

Width of prediction according to the document resolution

Height: integer (int32)

Height of prediction according to the document resolution


                                "PositionNumber": "integer (int32)",
                                "PositionId": "DetailResponse",
                                "ItemId": "DetailResponse",
                                "Description": "DetailResponse",
                                "OrderId": "DetailResponse",
                                "DeliveryId": "DetailResponse",
                                "DeliveryDate": "DetailResponse",
                                "Quantity": "DetailResponse",
                                "Unit": "DetailResponse",
                                "UnitPrice": "DetailResponse",
                                "VatRate": "DetailResponse",    
                                "Discount": "DetailResponse",
                                "TotalAmount": "DetailResponse",
                                "Score": "double (double)",
                                "X": "integer (int32)",
                                "Y": "integer (int32)",
                                "Width": "integer (int32)",
                                "Height": "integer (int32)"

DetailResponse: object


Name: string

Name of predicted detail

Text: string

Original text as detected on the document
Empty: if no related text was detected or this detail is derived from context and not one explicit text position (e.g. DocumentType or InvoiceCurrency).

Value: string

Normalized value derived from original text
Empty: No reliable value detected or in case request prop set “ForceReturnBestMatch=true” it means no candidate found at all.

Score: double (double)

Scored probability. Value between zero and one. Rounded to 4 decimal places.

RecommendedThreshold: double (double)

"Recommendation to use this detail only if 'Score' is higher or equal to this threshold. Threshold calculation based on benchmark on a custom document set or default set. Value between zero and one. If minus one, then no recommendation."

X: integer (int32)

X-Position of prediction according to the document resolution

Y: integer (int32)

Y-Position of prediction according to the document resolution

Width: integer (int32)

Width of prediction according to the document resolution

Height: integer (int32)

Height of prediction according to the document resolution

                                "Name": "string",
                                "Text": "string",
                                "Value": "string",
                                "Score": "double (double)",
                                "X": "integer (int32)",
                                "Y": "integer (int32)",
                                "Width": "integer (int32)",
                                "Height": "integer (int32)"